Yesterday we reached Driftveil City. It’s really close to the mountains and reminds me about my home pretty much. Just that here it’s a little more modern. My home Ecruteak City is more traditional ^^
The temperature also is a little lower here and that’s really nice. Soon we’ll be up at the mountains where it should be even colder.
This week, before we crossed the Bridge I went a little south into the woods in front of the bridge. And there I really could catch a Deerling! My team is full but I do want to get to know him a little better so I’ll see if I can exchange one from my team once.
This weekend is Easter. So the arena is closed ^^; But I will go to the “hunt” and search for Easter-gifts! Okay, basically I’ll search for Pokémon XD Don’t be surprised if I see and catch a LOT of new Pokémon this weekend ;D