Catch the.. hat?!

Slowly it’s getting x-mas. In all the cities and villages we passed so far on our way to New Bark Town we did see lots of lights, x-mas trees and could hear the familiar music.
Torny and I never really celebrated that day. As ya may know, we two did grow up alone. Sometimes we were invited to other families at x-mas but mostly it was just the two of us. And as soon as we set out to our journey we were always on the road at that time, also now.
Today however, we got into the sweet taste of x-mas ^^

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On the way to New Bark Town

After a long time my new adventure-website is finally ready and I also can make my first official post here in my new blog!

Yesterday we set out for our next destination, New Bark Town! No, I don’t want to do the Johto-League again. I want to go there to meet Professor Elm and to give him my pokémon. After that I want to start in a new region and just with one pokémon – of course my Torny. It’s surly not easy to start new but we think it’s the best way to evolve further.

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Ending of the Suzuran Tournament

Today was the final event of the Suzuran Tournament and the handing of the trophy. As you know, Henry did win against me yesterday. He just was better and won deserved.
Last night we already did celebrate his victory a little in the pokémon center where we were resting after the awesome fight.
Now today, Cynthia and Charles Goodshow did gave Henry the trophy and ended the Tournament with that. What an awesome event!
I know we will stay in contact from now on ^^

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Round 05 vs. John – Types sometimes don’t matter

Today’s match was against the trainer John who’s specialty is, that he so far always used a pokémon with a type advantage against the opponents one. Plus he was always calm, no matter how the fight was going. Some trainers made that behavior really nervous.
I wanted to try and resist that calmness but I have to admit, it was really had to deal with.

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Round 04 vs. Isa – Wet grass

With a spark-attack, my Comet finished off Azumarill in this first confrontation between me and Isa of Round 04 in the Tournament.

The battle today took place in the big main stadium, however still on a small field; a grass field. This stadium really is an impressive place to fight in. I so far only could watch other trainer fight in here. But now being the one that fights was something completely different and really great!

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Trading day!

Today was a resting-day between Round 03 and Round 04. As a little even for both, trainer and visitors, they built up a small trading-area where you can trade your pokémon!
To be honest, I don’t actually like the idea of trading a pokémon. I love all of my pokémon and want to keep them always. But today I did make a trade…

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