The last few days I travelled down the east side of Ula’ula Island, having fun with some Mantine surfing at Ula’ula Beach and have now reached Tapu Village.
Up until now I had only seen the Tapu Pokémon as grateful and shy protectors of these lands. Here however I see how much power they can unleash when they’re angry, as Tapu Village used to be a nice small sea-side village that now is completely destroyed.
Tapu Lele
A sweet melody woke me up in the middle of the night. It was dark in the room here at the hospital. Most of my Pokémon were in their PokéBalls except for Torny who refused to leave my side since he had fully recovered himself.
The melody came from a floating Pokémon in the middle of the room. As I slowly started to see it a bit clearer in this darkness I managed to recognise the outlines. It was Tapu Lele!
UB-04 Blaster – Celesteela
Another Ultra Beast appeared. Luckily this time, nothing too bad happened except that it really knocked me out for a few days.
Very late on the last night up on Mount Hokulani I got a call from Aether Paradise that an enormous Ultra Beast had entered the planets atmosphere alongside Minior. Looking out the window of the observatory I could see it right away, despite how far away it still was. That Ultra Beast was massive!
UB-04 Blaster was its original designation, later they changed it to Celesteela as it was called by someone else… Maybe I can explain that one day but for now I’ll keep this secret until I have the “okay” from the Aether Foundation.
Mount Hokulani
These next few posts are a bit late. I needed a good long rest after what had happened and here I’ll tell the first part~
Just in time I reached Mount Hokulani on the day the biggest “star-shower” took place. The nights before I had already seen a few “stars” raining down but last night it reached the pinnacle of this season.
Continue reading “Mount Hokulani”Malie City and a little fallback
Quick update on my health status. The broken ribs don’t really wanna heal properly yet. They hurt a lot but its bearable. I have to take it very slow right now and therefore I probably won’t be doing much exciting the next few weeks.
We have arrived safely in Malie City and there’s much to see here! The Malie Library in which I had spent way too long and bored all my Pokémon to death, the beautiful Malie Garden where we all could relax a bit and the Kantonian Gym where all my team members finally could let loose and.. well.. defeated everyone… Sorry again!
Continue reading “Malie City and a little fallback”Just a quick update!
I had been resting here on Aether Paradise the last few days and feel like I am ready to head out to Ula’ula island soon.
My ribs will still take a few more weeks to fully heal obviously but there’s not much I can do except to take care. I never mentioned, but there were three broken ribs in total, two on the right and one on the left side.
Zoroark is doing okay. Still not able to stand up due to the broken leg and other injuries but it’s healing is progressing well. He will stay here at Aether Paradise until it’s hopefully able to travel with me again.
Continue reading “Just a quick update!”Grand Trial against Kahuna Olivia
Kahuna Olivia and I were back at the Ruins of Life. The prayer had already been spoken and Tapu Lele again appeared quickly, laughing at us before flying off. I did shout a “Thank you” its way, hopefully it had heard it.
We were ready for the Grand Trial.
Continue reading “Grand Trial against Kahuna Olivia”Tapu Lele
While trying to recover from the broken ribs, I did some research on what I could do to help Zoroark. He was still in serious condition but it didn’t seem to be getting worse right now at least.
One article that peaked my interest at random was about an exhibition match after the first Manalo Tournament between the champion and Professor Kukui. During the fight, both sides used up their Z-Move and thus were unable to use another one until Tapu Lele had appeared and healed them, allowing both to use a second Z-Move. Again at the end of the match, when both were exhausted on the ground it appeared again, healing the Pokémon and the trainers back up a second time. Could Tapu Lele maybe help my Zoroark as well? There was only one way to find it out.
UB-01 Symbiont
Much has happened again this past week and I will try to quickly summarise it, although it won’t be an easy feat… I hope writing this will calm me down a bit and prepare me for the next mission.
The day after I had brought the crystals to Kahuna Olivia for the Z-Power-Ring, she called and told me that they would be perfect and she will get right to work. Luckily I didn’t have to leave my Mega-Stone with her because I was in dire need of it for what was about to happen.
Continue reading “UB-01 Symbiont”This one might work
It seems like I have found a material that could work as the band for the Z-Power-Ring!
Last night I had a dream. In it, I was wandering up a hill during daytime, somehow following a feeling that on top I could find something. Indeed I saw a black Pokémon singing in a harmonious but deep tune. It was floating over what looked like a seed of some sort.
As I got closer, I could feel the revitalising sound deep in my bones and the seed on the dirty ground started to grow. Within just a couple of seconds, a large tree had emerged from the seed.