Whaaaaa! I did loose my PokéCom! Finally found it today again in a Staravia-nest! But it’s battery is nearly death so I cannot post too much which I originally wanted >_<;
Continue reading “Lost PokéCom”a Pokémon Trainer Travel Journal
Whaaaaa! I did loose my PokéCom! Finally found it today again in a Staravia-nest! But it’s battery is nearly death so I cannot post too much which I originally wanted >_<;
Continue reading “Lost PokéCom”Oh well, you cannot win every match right? XD Had a good battle today against a really good trainer. In the end is was 0 to 1 pokémon left and so he won ^^;
Continue reading “Cannot always be a win”Today I reached the so called “Ravaged Path” which is becoming more and more “normal” way to Floaroma Town. But I want to see a little bit of the world and will take the old, slower but a lot more beautiful way around this path up the hill.
Continue reading “I’ll take the alternative road I guess”I’m back in Jubilife City. The first thing I did was walking straight to the Pokémon Center to see how Shinx is doing. His broken legs are healing pretty well. And it’s really active ^^ Nurse Joy took great care.
Continue reading “Sunset in Jubilife City”